I started designing costumes for theater in the 9th grade, it took very little time to realize I wasn't a "spot light" kind of kid. I also had this weird desire to spend hours studying various WWII military uniforms. Over the years I've seen and done almost everything; summer stock, circus, Broadway, film, dance and some really weird performance art. I've made my way as a dresser, stitcher and freelance designer and spent the last seven years as a proud member of IATSE local 764.
I've adopted a special love of costume history, haute couture, and all things wearable art. I'm lucky to live in a world with so much exposure to those subjects. Which basically means, I'm stalking you on Instagram.
I grew up in a part of Maine that isn't on a post card. I love the outdoors and all activities that allow me to not put on makeup and wear pants with a stretchy waistband.
The little guy is Iggy. He's my manager... my very needy manager.